Before & After Permanent Makeup Pictures


We are licensed and trained in advanced eyebrow techniques such as Microblading, Powder Brow, and Combo Brows with strokes and shading.

Eyes of a beautiful girl without applying eyeliner and permanent eyebrowsEyes of a beautiful girl after applying eyeliner and permanent eyebrows
Image of eyes before using eyeliner and permanent eyebrowsImage of eyes after using eyeliner and permanent eyebrows

Before & After Permanent Makeup Pictures


Permanent eyeliner can be applied to the upper and/or lower line. It is customized to fit our clients’ desired makeup look.

Image of eyes of a lady before eyelinerImage of eyes of a lady after eyeliner
Image of an eye without applying eyelinerImage of an eye after applying eyeliner
Eye image before applying eyelinerEye image after applying eyeliner

Before & After Permanent Makeup Pictures


The lips are outlined for perfect definition then slightly blended. For a fuller look, solid color can be placed throughout the entire lip.

Sample image of lips before applying lipstickSample image of lips after applying lipstick
Lips Image before applying LipstickLips Image after applying Lipstick
Image of lips without applying lipstickImage of lips after applying lipstick